The Ripple introducing 4th and 5th graders to the concept of mission work.

Many of these children have been exposed to mission projects, but the Ripple gives them the opportunity to be active participants involved in the planning and the process. Through our projects we show the children that they have the power to make a difference.


Church leadership wanted to expand mission work into the Children's Ministry. Kim Cordell approached Tammy Pfrang and Cathy Lin about making small mission projects a part of the 4th and 5th Grade Sunday School curriculum. Kim suggested naming the project The Ripple in memory/honor of Cathy’s son, Nathan, who would have been a member of that first class that participated in this project. Nathan died June 3, 2016 after a 10 month battle with brain cancer. Nathan and our family were embraced by our family, friends, church and school communities during this difficult journey. So many people did so many kind things for us- we have never walked alone. The phrase "Be the Ripple" (of kindness) became our motto for his legacy, and we are very honored to share "The Ripple" name with this very special mission project.


Students in 4th and 5th grade Sunday School will be given the opportunity to be active participants in the Ripple Mission projects. In addition to our Bible study curriculum, we promote about 4 Ripple Mission projects each year. The children help decide which project we will support and then help create the advertising and promotional materials. Their favorite part is visiting each of the adult Sunday School classes to promote their project in person. They also enjoy collecting our requested items and tallying totals.


Adults can help by bringing requested donation items to church or using the provided Amazon link to have items sent directly to church. Monetary donations can be made by check or online at with "Ripple" noted in the memo section.