
We believe Student Ministry can be made better with your help! There are multiple ways to serve.

Sunday Night Meals – We provide meals for students each Sunday night. Student Ministries pays for one meal a month, but we rely on parents and church members for the following weeks.

Small Group Leader – Sunday Nights we have small groups for our high school students. 2-4 adult leaders lead these groups. We ask for our leaders to come to The Walk to participate in worship and hear the sermon. Our leaders then lead their students in a discussion about the sermon.  

Sunday School – While our Sunday School classes are taught by our staff, we do encourage adults to be present. We believe it is healthy to have multiple viewpoints in the room. Middle School classes sometimes need an extra adult to help with distractions, High School classes could use an adult to help them stay on topic.

Mission Trip Leader – Each year we take our 6th – 12th graders on a mission trip. We have 2-3 adults at each worksite helping our students finish their project for the week as well as lead a lunchtime devotional. If you are nervous about not knowing anything about construction – please do not let this stop you from joining our trip. We promise you will have all the tools (physical and knowledge) to get the job done!


If you have any questions – feel free to email Gracie at gracie@arborlawnumc.org.