Prayer Ministries

Emergencies, Surgeries, and Hospital Stays  

For emergencies, prayer before a scheduled surgery, or if you or a loved one is in the hospital, please call the church office during business hours, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday, and a Congregational Care Minister or Pastor will visit. To reach a pastor after hours for an emergency, call the church office at (817) 731-0701 and dial 8. A pastor will return your call as soon as possible.

Prayer Labyrinth


The Prayer Labyrinth at the center of the Jud Cramer Ascension Garden is a direct replica of the thirteenth-century labyrinth at the historic Chartes Cathedral, located near Paris, France. The labyrinth is an eleven-circuit design, divided into four quadrants. Learn more about the labyrinth and how to use it here.


This is a holy place designated for personal worship and prayer. It is designed to remind us of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. As we view the beautiful mural in this room, we may reflect on Christ’s words: “I am the Vine, you are the branches.” This room is located in the Lower Commons along the east hallway, across from the women’s restroom. It is open during regular office hours and evening church activities. Come when God calls you to spend time with God!


Dana Cook: Prayer Walks, Prayer Beads, and Prayer Event Speakers
Charlene Johnston: Congregational Care Minister for Prayer Requests