Congregational Care Ministers

We strive to do ministry with excellence. With a church of our size, we rely on Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) who are lay volunteers specifically trained to serve alongside our pastors and staff, making hospital visits, homebound visits, praying, listening, and providing one-on-one comfort and encouragement to our congregation. The ministry of Congregational Care is designed to connect the church with people during their difficult times. Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) are called by God and equipped by the church to care for people, working alongside the pastors, to meet the care needs of our church family. If you would like to receive care from a Congregational Care Minister, contact Christie Robbins at (817) 731-0701 or You can also fill out and turn in a “Prayer and Care Request Card” on Sunday mornings.


Do you feel called to be a Congregational Care Minister?

Do you have empathy, love, and concern for others? Are you being called by God to care for those in our congregation and community? Consider being a CCM and minister to those in need. You are matched according to your gifts and passions with those in need. CCMs can make hospital visits, visit homebound and nursing home members, telephone persons in need of contact, meet one-on-one with persons needing a listening ear for prayer and encouragement, offer support to grieving families and proactively seek to encourage and care for persons within their pastorate. This partnership between lay and clergy will enable us to provide another level of care to our church family. Congregational Care Ministers will meet regularly as a team with a Pastor for supervision and assignments.If you are interested in being a Congregational Care Minister, review the list of requirements, and complete and return this application to the church office or e-mail application to: